Take it one day at a time

Friday, March 15, 2024
US Employees (including Expats & Hawaii)

You have the power to overcome life’s challenges, including substance use disorder. Confidential counseling and resources from your medical carrier and healthy partners can help.

  1. Get a helping hand: Substance use disorder impacts millions of people each year – it’s not uncommon and there is no shame in asking for help. SupportLinc offers confidential guidance and expert resources to support anyone impacted by substance use. Call 888-505-3745, visit mygdsupport.com or download SupportLinc’s eConnect Mobile app (code: generaldynamics) to get started.
  2. Make the most of your benefits: Your General Dynamics health plan offers resources that can help you find the right treatment for any condition including substance use disorder. Use online tools to locate in-network providers and care facilities. Cigna enrollees can call 800-981-9112 or visit myCigna.com to learn more. Kaiser enrollees can call 866-862-4295 or visit my.kp.org/generaldynamics.
  3. Manage pain with movement: If you're in pain, try Sword Health for treatment of joint and muscle pain. Their personalized digital physical therapy programs offer safe and effective solutions for pain relief. Most people begin to feel better with improved mobility within a few weeks.


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