Critical illness insurance

US Employees (including Expats & Hawaii)

Prepare for the unexpected

Critical Illness Insurance through MetLife provides coverage for unexpected costs as a result of a covered critical illness, like a heart attack, kidney failure, organ transplant or Alzheimer’s disease. It provides a lumpsum payment upon verification of a covered diagnosis. This payment can be used to pay your deductible, coinsurance, or other expenses. The critical illness policy is not a replacement for traditional medical or disability income insurance.

  • You can choose an initial coverage level of $15,000 or $30,000 for Initial Benefit Amount upon diagnosis
  • In the event you suffer from more than one covered condition, the Total Benefit Amount available is three times the Initial Benefit Amount (i.e., $45,000 or $90,000)

Use it how you need it

MetLife’s critical illness insurance is not reimbursement-based like medical coverage, so covered individuals only need to submit proof of a diagnosis. It provides a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis verification and allows covered individuals to use the payment the way they see fit.

You can enroll as a new hire or during annual enrollment. Contact the General Dynamics Service Center at 888-432-3633 for information.

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