Medicare and Social Security Disability

US Employees (including Expats & Hawaii)

Enroll when you are ready

You typically become eligible for Medicare when you turn 65. However, if you continue working at Gulfstream, and remain covered on a Gulfstream medical plan, you can temporarily waive your enrollment in Medicare coverage (part A and B). When you’re ready to enroll in Medicare, contact the General Dynamics Service Center at 888-432-3633 to have a proof of coverage form completed.

Automatic enrollment

You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A when you begin collecting Social Security.

Ineligible for HSA

If you are enrolled in Medicare part A or B you are not eligible to make or receive HSA contributions per IRS regulations.

Income Assistance

If you have questions about Medicare or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Income Assistance, the SSDC Services Corporation may be able to help. Their services are free for employees enrolled in a GD medical plan. The SSDC can help with the following: • SSDI representation for employees, retirees, survivors and their dependents under age 62 and need assistance in obtaining SSDI income • Problems with Medicare claims payments, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) claims or coordination of benefits claims • Guidance on when and how to enroll in Medicare • Confirmation of Medicare enrollment or entitlement.

SSDC Services Corporation

Contact SSDC Services Corporation at 800-374-9950 ext.390 or email Visit their website at

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